1. Assign Ownership of Aisles to Operators So They Keep their Aisles Clean with Pride
Managing the operator’s aisle pristine and in an orderly way is necessary to increase the picking in the warehouse. When operators are happy and proud of the work they do – they do even better. To make them proud of the work they do install a display in every aisle saying “This isle is maintained with pride by – “operator name”.
2. Implement Daily Cycle Counts
Daily Cycle Count programs are a great way to ensure you maintain inventory accuracy throughout the year, and many companies employ a combination of daily cycle-counting their key products and count all products during their 100% physical inventory. The goal of cycle counting is to accurately count your inventory without spending too much time on counting. Picking accuracy and picking efficiency will increase after implementation of daily cycle counting program in your warehouse.
Increase cycle counting locations in your warehouse with simple yet powerful wearable scanners. Click here to know more.
3. Proactive Replenishment in Your Second Shift or Third Shift
Replenishment involves moving inventory from reserve location to active location so that it may be picked, packed and shipped. In the case of the item can’t be located quickly, or there is an error in finding or utilizing it, this small mistake can cause the entire workflow to break down. By proactively doing replenishment's you always keep inventory in your active location which means your pickers don’t have to wait and picking happens faster and in an efficient manner. Setting up a dedicated replenishment team with proactive tactics as listed in this article, you can avoid slowdowns in the picking process.
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