The Warehouse Zone Picking Best Practice that You Must Consider to Improve Picking Efficiency | LoadProof
This next best practice is about the warehouse zone picking process. The way this works is if your picking involves going to multiple areas, multiple isles of bin locations, and you are picking from different bin locations. This process is about eliminating all the unnecessary walking, and of course we all know the more you pick, the more you can ship, the more you ship, the more you invoice, the more you can get paid. This results in more revenue for the company, more revenue for the distribution center and everyone is happy. If you can eliminate the time that is spent by people on walking and instead have them pick all the time then that becomes efficient. If you have one long isle or multiple isles you could divide those isles into multiple zones. So what would happen is and typically this works well with a MHE (material handling equipment) wherein the box comes to the zone and the person stays in the zone all the time.
The zone could be a confined area where they are not walking so much and staying in that zone and staying closer to the bin location. When a carton arrives into their zone, they pick their product and put it in the carton and scan the carton. Then they know the products that needs to be put in the carton and they go to the bin location. In the bin location they had to take that product and put it in the carton and scan the carton again. It tells that they fulfilled their picks that they need to perform in their zone. The operator just stands there instead of walking and going to the location, the cartons comes to the operator and they scan, picks products, drops it off and then moves to the next carton and scans the next carton or tote.
Sometimes it could be some kind of a bulk picking where they are picking for the tote and scans the tote and then goes picks. When they are picking they are scanning the location as well because the inventory in that location has to be decremented and then the inventory going on to the cart and tote has to be incremented. They are doing this all day just standing in that location which means they are not spending time, wasting time walking so that adds to their efficiency.
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