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Improve Your Supply Chain app Usability with these UI UX Tips | LoadProof


An Engaging UI UX is a Key ingredient for your Enterprise Supply Chain Apps. A very good UI (user Interface) and hence a very good UX (User Experience) is an important component in improving the warehouse and distribution center productivity. In this day and age where Apple and Android have completely changed the user experience that is so easy to not only understand and use the app within seconds, but also figure out any new capabilities on an intuitive basis using hand gestures such as touches, swipes, pinches etc., it is very important to pay attention to the enterprise apps that are deployed in your Supply Chains today. Particularly in the distribution center, there is significant time that is spent on training the end users. I’ve seen many distribution centers that are literally revolving doors, where personnel come and go. All these personnel go through training for weeks to understand and to improve their proficiency in their work, so that is at least 40 hours spent per employee on training, that is approximately $10,000 at a fully loaded labor cost of $25 per hour. And nowadays on an average the warehouse is churn is 50%. As a warehouse manager if you are running a facility with 50 people and at the end of the year you lost 25 people, that dollars spent on training those 25 people, which is $10,000 per person, the dollars lost is $250,000. That is a lot of dollars to lose.

These kinds of dollars lost scenarios could be significantly reduced if you choose a tool with a very good UI. The mobile technology is evolving and at the same time it is very important to choose the tools with the best UI because that will not only reduce your training time and but can also simplify the processes. For example, I had this customer where they have this laminated card given to every single operator where in all the keys such as the function keys, hotkeys and all the different keystroke sequences that they have to enter is printed. They have to constantly take it out and then refer to execute that function. This could have been simplified in the tool with a very good UI.

There is no point in trying to hit at F15, F17, and F19, when you are all the way up there in the seventh level trying to pick that one product. Instead of trying to remember that Function key we can simplify it so with much more meaningful description to the whole thing, instead of just hitting F19. If you put a back or skip in the UI or something like that will be easy for the personnel to intuitively get it right and easy to remember. That’s why it’s very important to pay attention to the UI. For example, just think about iPad, when a grandma takes iPad and starts watching movies all by herself without referring to any user manual.

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