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Showing posts from December, 2020

Load Pallets without Any Damages with these Best Practices | LoadProof

  This is another best practice that you can follow while you’re loading your products in the trailer container. It’s always important to do a great job loading and obviously your team did a great job picking the product, boxing the product, and then nicely stacking them in pallets. The pallets are then shrink-wrapped and ready to go.  It’s important to load them perfectly because while the truck or the trailer is going there are a lot of bumps on the road, there’s a lot of traffic and the truck could go steep uphill and steep downhill. I’ve driven so much in the Tennessee area, into the mountains and all kinds of things happen. When all these happen there are G forces that act on the merchandise that you’ve shipped which could shake the product and also tilt the product sometimes.  If you have expensive  SKUs , these unnecessary shakes can still create damages. Even though the truck or the trailer might have the best shock absorber it’s not a good thing as your product might get damag

Using Google Drive to Store Your Warehouse Pictures? | LoadProof

  Here is another interesting dynamic about  LoadProof . Apparently somebody in their organization is interested and somebody saw the value of the product – LoadProof provides.  We get to talk to them and they’re curious. They want to learn more, and in our conversation this comes up: “hey we already use Google Drive, and we store pictures in Google Drive and and it was great for us”. This was actually a very interesting story. An intern from Georgia Tech, pretty smart kid, but they don’t understand all the implications of using an enterprise system for a recognized supply chain environment. In an established supply chain network, you’re dealing with so many different partners such as vendors, customers, transportation service providers, lumpers, etc., Supply chain is a huge community.  When you spend some time in the industry you understand all these different players and how to work with them and how to maintain the data integrity and still do business maintaining the collaborator co

Stack Your Pallets like a Pro with these Best Practices | LoadProof

  This is another best practice that you could use to make sure that nobody stacks anything on top of your pallet. If you are shipping anything on top of your pallet, it may be a specific product or few pallets through a carrier, this often happens. When you ship something to your retailer and obviously the retailers have a large volume of products that they sell through their stores.  They pick up the products from their vendor as well, so what they do is they optimize using something called dynamic routing. They optimize that pickup and then they bid those transportation contracts to carriers and the carriers take the contracts and they follow a fashion in picking. They go to stop 1 pickup 2 to 3 pallets, and then go to stop 2, pick up 2 to 3 pallets and then go to stop 3, so like that they are picking up and they might come to you. If you have a really nice product and you are manufacturing that product and you are selling it through a retailer they will come to you and you got to s

Smart Gladiator Featured in IndustryWeek Magazine | LoadProof

  Beginning as a start-up, Smart Gladiator found an ecosystem in Georgia that helped these companies expand. Sometimes having an idea isn’t enough. Sometimes a small company needs a boost to bring its product to those that need it most. That’s what happened to Smart Gladiator LLC, a manufacturer of wearable scanning technology, based in Atlanta. Puga Sankara founded the company after he saw the need to improve the process of how companies were tracking their inventory.  “Workers need a user-friendly, comfortable way, to track products in the distribution centers,” says Sankara. “With the volume coming through these centers and workers having to lug around heavy components that disrupted their workflow, wearables offer a great solution.” Click here to continue reading this article.

Picture Documentation for Freight Claims White Paper – Part IV | LoadProof

  Digital Camera Based Picture Capture Vs LoadProof INTRODUCTION This document describes the following, Provides a thorough comparison between the current Digital camera-based picture capturing many distribution centers do versus the LoadProof way of capturing pictures. If you review the “Pictures for Freight Claims – White Paper – Part1” , “Pictures for Freight Claims – White Paper – Part2”, “Picture Documentation System – White Paper – Part3” and then review this current document, you will get much more value out of this exercise to understand the Picture Documentation System thoroughly. However, it is okay to review this current document by itself as well. Background LoadProof is a photo documentation SAAS solution that allows any warehouse manager to develop a catalog of easily searchable photos with contextual data that helps warehouses, businesses, manufacturers, shippers, suppliers reduce claims, chargebacks and also to get freight claims processed faster. Click here to continu

Picture Documentation for Freight Claims White Paper – Part III | LoadProof

  LoadProof – Enterprise wide Rollout INTRODUCTION This document describes the following, Provides high level guidelines to deploy Loadproof enterprise-wide involving 2 or more distribution centers producing the most dollar savings for warehouse managers that own the sites. Best practices to follow while deploying Loadproof across 2 or more sites in an enterprise-wide fashion. Also build momentum within the enterprise among the warehouse general managers, so Loadproof is deployed swiftly producing the maximum dollar savings enterprise-wide quickly. Any tool if not implemented correctly and accurately will not produce the desired results. So it is very important that the implementation effort is as great as the tool in order to maximize the gains from the tool such as LoadProof enterprise-wide. This document describes the implementation of an effective Picture Documentation system in an enterprise. If you review the “Pictures for Freight Claims – White Paper – Part1” , “Pictures for Fre

Picture Documentation for Freight Claims White Paper – Part II | LoadProof

  INTRODUCTION This document describes the capabilities and implementation of an effective Picture Documentation System. If you review the “Pictures for Freight Claims – White Paper – Part1” and then review this current document, you will get much more value out of this exercise to understand the Picture Documentation System thoroughly. HIGH SPEED PICTURE TAKING This involves capturing the pictures in a high-speed manner, so that there are no bottle necks that get introduced in the current process. Manual Method This method involves a mobile app that enables picture capturing super-fast using a simple mobile device, that we all are used to in our daily lives. In this process, the operators and or supervisors that own the shipment loading process have mobile devices that are loaded with the mobile app. At the time of loading, after loading each pallet, they take out the mobile device, start the app, log into the app with their credentials and take pictures by a few simple taps. The mobi

Picture Documentation for Freight Claims White Paper – Part I | LoadProof

  INTRODUCTION This document describes the benefits of an effective Picture Documentation System(PDS) that helps with getting Freight Claims Paid faster. An effective pictures documentation system helps with 1 – Get Freight Claims paid much faster by making pictures available quickly and easily, 2 – Provides visibility to the damages through pictures. The visibility gained provides insight into the handling mistakes made while the orders are fulfilled, so that the parties can determine and establish accountability boundaries and get the shipper paid. BACKGROUND What are Freight Claims? A freight claim is a legal demand by a shipper or a consignee to a carrier for financial reimbursement for a loss or a damage of a shipment. Freight Claims are claims submitted by manufacturers/suppliers/shippers to transportation vendors and or carriers, when the goods the Supplier shipped did not arrive at the destination in a pristine state. Instead it arrived as damaged, the packaging was damaged or

Retail Chargeback Management System White Paper – Part 4 | LoadProof

  Digital Camera Based Picture Capture Vs LoadProof INTRODUCTION This document describes the following, Provides a thorough comparison between the current Digital camera-based picture capturing many distribution centers do versus the LoadProof way of capturing pictures. If you review the “Chargeback Management System – White Paper – Part1” , “Chargeback Management System – White Paper – Part2”, “Chargeback Management System – White Paper – Part3” and then review this current document, you will get much more value out of this exercise to understand the Chargeback Management System thoroughly. However, it is okay to review this current document by itself as well. Background LoadProof is a photo documentation SAAS solution that allows any warehouse manager to develop a catalog of easily searchable photos with contextual data that helps warehouses and businesses reduce claims and chargebacks. A Fair and Thorough Comparison Analysis It is a good idea to start with watching this YouTube vide

Chargeback Management System White Paper – Part 3 | LoadProof

  LoadProof – Enterprise wide Rollout White Paper INTRODUCTION This document describes the following, Provides high level guidelines to deploy LoadProof enterprise-wide involving 2 or more distribution centers producing the most dollar savings for warehouse managers that own the sites. Best practices to follow while deploying LoadProof across 2 or more sites in an enterprise-wide fashion. Also build momentum within the enterprise among the warehouse general managers, so Loadproof is deployed swiftly producing the maximum dollar savings enterprise-wide quickly. Any tool if not implemented correctly and accurately will not produce the desired results. So it is very important that the implementation effort is as great as the tool in order to maximize the gains from the tool such as LoadProof enterprise-wide. This document describes the implementation of an effective chargeback management system in an enterprise. If you review the “Chargeback Management System – White Paper – Part1” , “Cha

How an Effective Chargeback Management System will help address chargebacks and save a lot of $$$? | LoadProof

  INTRODUCTION This document describes the capabilities and implementation of an effective chargeback management system. If you review the “Chargeback Management System – White Paper – Part1” and then review this current document, you will get much more value out of this exercise to understand the Chargeback Management System thoroughly. However, it is okay to review this current document by itself as well. If you need access to the Part1 of the White Paper. CHARGEBACK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM What are some of the capabilities that a chargeback management system needs to have? The core of the chargeback system is to have the ability to do the following High-speed picture taking, High speed picture tagging with appropriate meta data, High Speed picture uploading, A failsafe repository of pictures. High speed picture retrieval capabilities and, High speed picture sharing capabilities so that there are no bottle necks added to the current processes. HIGH SPEED PICTURE TAKING This involves captur